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At night the body of clouds advancing higher up the sky smothers the whole quiet gulf below with an impenetrable darkness, in which the sound of the falling showers can be heard beginning and ceasing abruptly—now here, now there. Indeed, these cloudy nights are proverbial with the seamen along the whole west coast of a great continent. Sky, land, and sea disappear together out of the world when the Placido—as the saying is—goes to sleep under its black poncho. The few stars left below the seaward frown of the vault shine feebly as into the mouth of a black cavern. In its vastness your ship floats unseen under your feet, her sails flutter invisible above your head. The eye of God Himself—they add with grim profanity—could not find out what work a man’s hand is doing in there; and you would be free to call the devil to your aid with impunity if even his malice were not defeated by such a blind darkness.

The shores on the gulf are steep-to all round; three uninhabited islets basking in the sunshine just outside the cloud veil, and opposite the entrance to the harbour of Sulaco, bear the name of “The Isabels.”

There is the Great Isabel; the Little Isabel, which is round; and Hermosa, which is the smallest.

If you do not feel confident in speaking and understanding the German language, be sure to bring someone with you at your appointment that you trust and has a solid knowledge of German language so that we can help you in the best possible way.


Dacă nu vă simțiți încrezători în a vorbi si a intelege limba germană, va rugam sa veniti la programare cu cineva în care aveți încredere, care are cunoștințe solide de limba germană, astfel încât să vă putem ajuta în cel mai bun mod posibil.


Si no domina el aleman, puede acompañarle un traductor de su confianza para ayudarle con mucho gusto en sus consultas


Qual’ora non dovesse sentirsi sicura con la lingua, Le chiederei di portare con se all’appuntamento una persona di fiducia che sia ferrata col tedesco, solo in questo modo potremmo aiutarla al meglio.


Дорогие наши пациенты. У нас к вам большая просьба. Если вы не уверены в немецком языке, обязательно приведите на прием кого-нибудь, кому вы доверяете, с глубоким знанием немецкого языка, чтобы мы могли помочь вам наилучшим образом. Огромное спасибо за вашу помощь и понимание.


اگر شما به زبان آلمانی خوب مسلط نیستید. نفریکه زبان آلمانی را یاد دارد و شما به ایشان اعتماد دارید در وقت معاینه با خود بیاورید ، تا بهترین رسیده گی و کمک به شما شود